Black Forest Days

August 14th - 16th, 2020

Black Forest Days provided three days of fun for the community, with events carefully constructed to meet government mandates and CDC guidelines for COVID-19.

Black Forest Days offered three days of fun from Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th 2020.  Black Forest Days took place instead of the Black Forest Festival this year.

Activities included a Biergarten Stroll on Friday, August 14th. On Saturday, August 15th we hosted a modified “Reverse” Parade and an expanded Backyard Farmers Market with an adjacent food truck rally and picnic area space (available outside of the market). On Sunday, August 16th, members of the Black Forest community enjoyed the Pancake Picnic Breakfast with a new drive-thru option.

We were disappointed that the Black Forest Festival was canceled due to COVID-19; the Black Forest Festival is a long-standing tradition in the Black Forest Community. However, the Black Forest Community is grounded in the spirit of tenacity and ingenuity and we were pleased to host several community-focused events through Black Forest Days.

Black Forest Biergarten Stroll, Friday, August 14th at 5:00pm and 7:10pm
The traditional Black Forest Biergarten was modified into more of a pub crawl and took place in two sessions. 

Each session of the Biergarten Stroll started at the Black Forest Community Center. Attendees were divided into groups of no more than 16 people; and the groups then “strolled” to several different Black Forest businesses for a taste of local food and drinks.

The participating businesses included the Black Forest Meadery, the Black Forest Brewery, the Black Forest Bistro, Black Forest Pies & Grinders, the Rocky Mountain Brewery, and the Rolling Bean Food Truck! In addition, we all enjoyed the award-winning Wirewood Station band.

Backyard Farmers Market, Saturday, August 15th from 9:00am – 1:00pm
Located on the northwest side of the Black Forest Community Center is an area commonly referred to as the “Backyard”.  When the idea came about to start a farmer’s market, members of the community knew it would be the perfect spot.  The developers of the market thought the name “Backyard Market” symbolized the smaller community feel of the Black Forest.

The mission of the Backyard Market is to support a healthier community by providing an opportunity for local farmers, food producers, artisans, and crafters to sell their products directly to the consumer in an educational, friendly, and community-oriented environment. The Backyard Market has grown to be one of the top farmers markets in the state of Colorado. 

Originally, there was not a Backyard Market planned for Saturday, August 15th due to the Black Forest Festival taking place in that space. We were so pleased to have the Backyard Market open on Saturday, August 15th as part of Black Forest Days. 

Reverse Parade, Saturday, August 15th at 10:30am
2020 saw the Black Forest’s very first Reverse Parade. In a Reverse Parade, the Parade Exhibits are stationary and socially distanced, and the “spectators” remain in their personal vehicles and slowly drive past the exhibits.

The parade ran east down Shoup Rd, beginning at Rusk Road (near La Foret) and ended at Black Forest Road. The parade showcased many local businesses, community groups, and services that are central to the Black Forest community.

The first 100 spectator’s that lined up for the parade in their cars received a parade swag bag filled with lots of goodies! 

Pancake Picnic Breakfast, Sunday, August 16th from 8:00am to 12:00pm
We are always excited to partner with the Boy Scouts Troop 70 and the R&R Coffee Café to offer a Pancake Picnic Breakfast and Fundraiser. The breakfast took place outdoors due to social distancing and offered a drive-thru option for the first time.

For those that chose to stay and picnic at the Black Forest Community Center, tickets were purchased in a socially distanced line, and the breakfast was delivered in individually packaged containers.

Thank you to everyone that came out in support of Black Forest Days 2020!