Outhouse Race Rules

Black Forest Festival 2020

Outhouse Specifications:

    1. Minimum dimensions: 3 ft long by 3 ft wide by 6 ft high
    2. Maximum width: 6 ft
    3. Materials: predominately solid material such as wood, metal, or composite
      1. Examples of materials that are NOT solid (not allowed):
        -Plastic film
        -Poultry (etc) wire
    4. 3 full sides.
    5. Windows are optional
    6. Human powered
    7. Pushing devices for 4 team members, max protrusion 24 inches
    8. Interior seat with seat belt and/or grasping devices securely attached to frame
    9. Display team name on outside
    10. Must resemble an outhouse

Team Rules:

    1. 5 person team
    2. 4 pushers
    3. 1 sitter inside outhouse (helmet and seatbelt required)
    4. Minimum age: 18 [15+ with written parental permission]


    1. Rule violation
    2. Explicit/vulgar language or pictures
    3. Unsportsmanlike conduct

Outhouses are invited to be in the parade as the finale.

Staging for the race will be the first driveway north of the Club. Race follows the parade (estimated start time 11:40).

Trophies are awarded for the categories of  Fastest Time, Best Design, and Runner-Up.