The Oktoberfest and Trunk-Or-Treat are free community events, hosted by the non-profit Black Forest Community Club.
We welcome donations from individuals, organizations, and businesses to help underwrite some of the costs.
This event cannot take place without the support of our community.
Thank you for your interest in helping make these community events possible!
There are several ways to participate in the Black Forest Community Trunk-Or-Treat:
1. We need trunks! We need families, businesses, and organizations to sign-up to host a trunk and provide candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters.
If you can decorate your vehicle, it adds to the fun (however, decorating is not required). Please pre-register your vehicle so we can plan the spacing
2. We need donations! We need donations of candy, or donations of money to buy candy, to help supplement those that volunteer to host a trunk.
Candy donations can be dropped off at the Black Forest Community Center.
If you are a business, organization, or individual that would like to make a financial donation to purchase candy, please complete the secure form below to donate via PayPal.
3. We need Halloween decorations for the Log School Park and help with decorating! Decorations will only be out on Saturday, October 30th so you can bring your decorations in the morning and help decorate and pick up your decorations when Oktoberfest ends at 6:30pm.
We will be decorating the Log School Park from 8am – 12pm on Saturday, October 30th.
Please sign up using the form below to let us know if you plan to bring decorations and/or help decorate.
4. We need volunteers!* We need all the help we can get to put on both the Oktoberfest and the community Trunk-Or-Treat.
Please let us know on the form below if you would like to help.
*Any time spent volunteering can be applied as community service hours for any youth organizations, or other organizations, that need to gather community service hours. Documentation will be supplied via email following the event.